Homeopathy and Morning Sickness in pregnant women

Homeopathy is a natural, nontoxic and non-invasive system of healing that cures an individual rather than just treating the symptoms. Medicines administered under homeopathy are safe, and thus can be given even to pregnant women and babies (with the guidance from the physician.)

Quite a few women suffer from nausea and vomiting in pregnancy (NVP) or morning sickness especially during the first trimester. The term “morning sickness” is actually a misnomer as the feeling can last throughout the day or hit you at any point in time, but for quite a few women symptoms are worse in the mornings and relief comes as the day draws to a close. Though in most cases, morning sickness clears up by about 14 weeks, sometimes it persists a little longer and can become worrisome. Women are reluctant to take medications to treat the condition as they fear damage to the fetus, wisely so! Homeopathy is a good choice of treatment as it is gentle and safe when compared to conventional treatments.

Homeopathy suggests a host of medicines such as Colchicum (meadow saffron), Sepia (cuttlefish), Cocculus (Indian cockle) and so on to treat morning sickness but the best cure can be identified only after carefully studying the symptoms. Sepia is ideal for pregnant women who feel emptiness in the stomach, bitterness in the mouth and develop an aversion to the smell or thought of food. These women might suffer from constipation and are often irritable. Sepia is often the most commonly prescribed medication for morning sickness. Pregnant women with constant nausea can go for Ipecacuaha (Ipecac). Such women should avoid car or bus rides as they tend to aggravate the symptoms. Veratrum album (white hellebore) is ideal for those who suffer from violent retching, diarrhea and abdominal cramps. These women develop a craving for cold drinks, pickles, and fruits. They usually break into a cold sweat with the body turning ice cold. Nux vomica (poison nut) can treat women who suffer from nausea, vomiting and constipation during mornings. Women with severe retching and extreme sensitiveness to cooking odors can be given Colchicum (meadow saffron). 

They are usually intolerant to the smell of cooked fish, meat or egg. Pulsatilla (windflower) works on women who experience severe burping and nightly diarrhea. These women tend to be very high-strung during pregnancy. Some women suffer from extreme nausea and vomiting that gets aggravated by motion. They experience a sinking feeling in the stomach and grow increasingly wretched. They tend to develop an aversion to tobacco smell. Tabacum (Tobacco) usually proves effective for pregnant women with the above mentioned symptoms. Lacticum acidum (lactic acid) is ideal for the classic case of morning sickness wherein the person wakes up with a nauseous feeling and stomach burn. In most cases, the feeling disappears after a meal. Other medications such as Arsenicum album, Symphoricarpus racemosa (snowberry), and Cocculus (Indian cockle) can also be used for treating morning sickness in pregnant women. Cocculus treats exhaustion along with morning sickness in women. Symphoricarpus deals with gastric issues, vomiting and appetite loss, while Arsenicum album helps women dealing with debility, exhaustion, diarrhea and vomiting.

The reason behind this general improvement in health with homeopathic medicines is the factoring in of all the symptoms that a pregnant woman experiences under the guise of morning sickness. So, instead of just attacking the condition, Homeopathic medications also deal with all the accompanying symptoms.
